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NRC_SetCustomIODoutConfig(int sum, int* addr)

Set custom IO dout configuration

Set the number and corresponding address of custom IO dout, 1 means high level, 0 means low level


int =>Set custom IO dout configuration

Return valueDescription
0The function is called successfully
-101Invalid input parameter
-102The target object does not exist. This typically occurs when the system initialization is incomplete, and calling other functions may return this value
-103The target object is currently in an inoperable state

Parameter Option

sumintThe number of custom IO douts, parameter range: sum >= 0
addrint*The corresponding addresses of custom IO douts, where one int value corresponds to one port

Sample code

int sum=16;
int addrDout[16] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
NRC_SetCustomIODoutConfig(sum, addrDout);