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NRC_SetInterpolationMethod(int method)

Set robot interpolation method

Please set this parameter when the servo is stopped or in a ready state


int =>Set robot interpolation method

Return valueDescription
0The function is called successfully
-101Invalid input parameter
-102The target object does not exist. This typically occurs when the system initialization is incomplete, and calling other functions may return this value
-103The target object is currently in an inoperable state

Parameter Option

methodintRobot motion interpolation method. 0: S-shaped interpolation, in this mode, the robot's acceleration and deceleration are smoother, but relatively slower compared to trapezoidal interpolation. This method is commonly used for larger robots. 1: Trapezoidal interpolation, in this mode, the robot's acceleration and deceleration are faster, but it may lead to issues like robot jitter or overload. This method is typically used for smaller robots

Sample code
